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[楼市] 中国房地产商面临末日-----外国网站的一篇译文

发表于 2011-7-14 07:10:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Party rulers in China are trapped in a positionthat chess players deeply fear — zugzwang — where any move made puts you atdisadvantage. In China,the potential cost of both action and inaction is economic collapse.

China is slowly starting to face the consequences of itsactions — loans grew over 30% a year over the last few years — and inflation isrising fast.  Inflation in developed countries is unpleasant, but itis tolerable.  For a developing country — and China, despiteits size, is still a developing country — it can be catastrophic.  Indeveloped countries, we spend two or three times less on food as a percentageof our income as do people in developing countries.

Therefore, though food inflation is unpleasant, we have amuch greater tolerance (margin of safety) for it.  While foodinflation the U.S. can meanfewer trips to restaurants or no summer vacation, food inflation in China leads tohunger.
因此,尽管食品通胀(food inflation)令人不快,但我们对它的容忍度(安全边际)要高得多。食品通胀在美国可能意味着少去餐馆或不度暑假,而它在中国会导致饥饿。

The Chinese government is desperately trying to put thebrakes on the economy.  It is shutting off lending to land developersand has raised bank reserve requirements five times thisyear.  However, its success on the inflation front will likely leadto a slowdown of the economy and high unemployment.  Ironically,those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated thehell out of the economy over the last few years.

China bulls are arguing that the almighty Chinese governmentwill be able to soft-land the economy. Unlikely, I’d say.  Forcedlending was at the core of Chinese economic growth. Simply put, there is toomuch debt to go bad.   According to Ernst and Young, one-third of the$700 billion in loans taken out by local governments may face repaymentproblems.  The People’s Bank of China estimates that Chinese banks’exposure to local government loans is 14 trillion yuan ($2.2 trillion),according to the June 17 South ChinaMorning Post.
看多中国者坚决主张,强大无比的中国政府能够实现经济软着陆。我会说,不可能。强制放贷位于中国经济增长的核心。简单地说,就是要出现大量的不良贷款。安永 (Ernst and Young)国际会计公司表示,地方政府7000亿美元贷款的三分之一可能面临还款问题。南华早报6月17日刊文提到,中国人民银行估计中国银行对地方政府的放款总额是14万亿元(2.2万亿美元)。

Once lending is cut off, property prices will stopappreciating (and likely collapse — that is what usually happens in a Ponzischeme). Also, the overcapacity in the industrial sector and commercial realestate will come to the surface. And suddenly everyone will discover that thevenerable emperor has no clothes.

I often hear the argument that Chinawill not have a real estate crisis of U.S. proportions because home andcondo owners have to put 30-40% down when they buy.  So where dopeople get the money to buy a house that costs, on average, 8 times theirannual income (a figure several times higher than in the U.S.)?  Someof it comes from savings, and some comes from borrowing from relatives.

Let’s pause for a second.  In the 1990s, theChinese banking system basically collapsed.  To revive it, theChinese government took bad loans from banks’ balance sheets and put them intooff-balance-sheet vehicles (Enron would be proud of that financialingenuity).  Banks started to function as though nothing hadhappened. To finance the off-balance-sheet assets, the government set depositinterest rates at very low levels: 1% or so.  In a country with avery high savings rate and 5% inflation, this resulted in a 4% annual loss ofpurchasing power.

Chinese consumers were punished severely over the last 10years for the banking crisis of the late ’90s.  And they’ll bepunished even more soon.  Keeping money in the bank didn’t make thatmuch sense, and investment alternatives were limited. However, they could investin an asset that supposedly never declines in price – a house orcondo.  So they did.

As Chinaslams the brakes on the economy and as housing prices fall, the banks will loseplenty of money. But more importantly, it is the people who bought tremendouslyoverpriced houses, and their relatives who lent them money, who willlose.  The wealth and hard work of more than one generation will belost, and this kind of pain leads to political unrest.  That is theChinese blacks swan!

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